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Farmhouse apartment Pfitscherhof

Campo di Trens / Freienfeld (Vipiteno / Sterzing and surroundings)-Flans, 39Valle Isarco / Eisacktal, Alto Adige

Farmhouse apartments
Offered treatments:
  • SC
  • BB
  • HB
  • FB
  • SCovernight stay
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Summer presentation photo Farmhouse apartment Pfitscherhof
The farm lies in a quiet and idyllic location just above Campo di Trens, near Sterzing. If you are looking for a place where you can be in close contact with nature, away from the hustle and bustle, you have found what you are looking for! Here a cosy holiday apartment awaits you in which you can breathe in the authentic atmosphere of the past, but with all modern comforts and a wonderful view that goes straight to your heart.
Surrounded by forests and alpine meadows, the Pfitscherhof is a little corner of paradise in which animals also live happily: in addition to the dog Rocky, there are also cows, chickens, cats and hares.

General information



open parking space, barbecue, garden at guests’ disposal

In room/apt.

TV with satellite reception, dish washer

Further services for apartments

bed linen and towels


Wi-Fi gratis in room/apartment


family-friendly accommodation


not allowed

Payment methods

Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, ATM, PayPal

Availability and approximate prices

The availability and the prices are entered and updated by the accommodation they refer to. As these data are subject to continuous changes, the definitive availability and price must be agreed directly with each accommodation. The minimum and maximum prices can take into consideration only the most common services and conditions of the accommodation; in case of different solutions the prices may differ from the specified range. The indicated prices may not take into consideration several factors, therefore the final price and the details must be agreed directly with each lodging facility. The indicated prices may not include possible costs for final cleaning service or tourist taxes.Understood
Check availability and see prices


70 m2
Cosy apartment with double bedroom, living area with double sofa bed and kitchenette, and bathroom with shower.
Conditions for children and extra beds
the prices are quoted per person per night
age*for extra beds
from 0 to 5 yearsfree of charge
from 6 to 17 years10€

* completed age on the check-out date



recommended by 1 guest

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Farmhouse apartment Pfitscherhof
Flans, 39
Campo di Trens / Freienfeld (Vipiteno / Sterzing and surroundings)
Valle Isarco / Eisacktal, Alto Adige

GPS coordinates

  • lat: 46.864380° N
  • lon: 11.523403° E
  • lat: 46° 51’ 51.8’’ N
  • lon: 11° 31’ 24.2’’ E
id: 1217981
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