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Garni (B&B) + Apartments L’Alpina 

Corvara-Via Strada Brujè, 17Alta Badia, Dolomites, South Tyrol

Garni (B&B) + Apartments
Offered treatments:
  • SC
  • BB
  • HB
  • FB
  • SCovernight stay
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Summer presentation photo Garni (B&B) + Apartments L'Alpina
The bed and breakfast L’Alpina is a family run business, in a simple and calm environment, perfect to spend a relaxed holiday. L’Alpina is situated in the village of Corvara, in a quiet and sunny spot. It has a wonderful position: in the summer especially for hiking on the Dolomites and in winter for skiing on the world-famous slopes of the Dolomiti Superski resort. The centre of Corvara is easily reachable from here as well.
The offers comfortable double rooms, all equipped with TV and private bathroom. Some of them also dispose over a balcony.
Every morning you will enjoy a rich breakfast-buffet.

Preferred for

Based on 4 reviews

General information

at 1568m a.s.l.

In room/apt.



Wi-Fi in room/apartment and common areas


on alpine ski slopes

Availability and approximate prices

The availability and the prices are entered and updated by the accommodation they refer to. As these data are subject to continuous changes, the definitive availability and price must be agreed directly with each accommodation. The minimum and maximum prices can take into consideration only the most common services and conditions of the accommodation; in case of different solutions the prices may differ from the specified range. The indicated prices may not take into consideration several factors, therefore the final price and the details must be agreed directly with each lodging facility. The indicated prices may not include possible costs for final cleaning service or tourist taxes.Understood
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recommended by 4 guests

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Garni (B&B) + Apartments L’Alpina
Via Strada Brujè, 17
Alta Badia, Dolomites, South Tyrol

GPS coordinates

  • lat: 46.547478° N
  • lon: 11.872752° E
  • lat: 46° 32’ 50.9’’ N
  • lon: 11° 52’ 21.9’’ E
Information about the location: at 1568m a.s.l.
id: 359356
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