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Garni (B&B) Ciasa Barbara 

Morena Bianco

La Villa-Str. Boscdaplan,194Alta Badia, Dolomites, South Tyrol

Garni (B&B)
Offered treatments:
  • SC
  • BB
  • HB
  • FB
  • SCovernight stay
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Photo exteriors in summer Ciasa Barbara

The house is located in the beautiful zone "Boscdaplan" near the centre of La Villa, in a peaceful and sunny area in the immediate vicinity of the lifts of Piz La Villa and the Dolomiti Superski.
The comfortable rooms, B & B have shower/WC, TV, balcony and skiroom. The reach breakfast is on buffet with mutch tipical products.

In room/apt.

safe, TV

Availability and approximate prices

The availability and the prices are entered and updated by the accommodation they refer to. As these data are subject to continuous changes, the definitive availability and price must be agreed directly with each accommodation. The minimum and maximum prices can take into consideration only the most common services and conditions of the accommodation; in case of different solutions the prices may differ from the specified range. The indicated prices may not take into consideration several factors, therefore the final price and the details must be agreed directly with each lodging facility. The indicated prices may not include possible costs for final cleaning service or tourist taxes.Understood
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recommended by 4 guests

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Garni (B&B) Ciasa Barbara
Str. Boscdaplan,194
La Villa
Alta Badia, Dolomites, South Tyrol

GPS coordinates

  • lat: 46.588612° N
  • lon: 11.904802° E
  • lat: 46° 35’ 19.0’’ N
  • lon: 11° 54’ 17.3’’ E
id: 4563
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