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Mountain Hut-Hotel Carlo Valentini

Valentini Annalisa

Passo Sella (Canazei)-Strada del Sella, 23Val di Fassa / Fassatal, Dolomites, Trentino

Telephone: (+39) 04626011...(+39) 0462601183 / (+39) 3398482308

Mountain Hut-Hotel
Offered treatments:
  • SC
  • BB
  • HB
  • FB
  • SCovernight stay
Summer presentation photo Mountain Hut-Hotel Carlo Valentini
The mountain lodge Carlo Valentini is located at an altitude of 2218 meters in the alpine area of Passo Sella, in the Val di Fassa. In the middle of the Sasso Lungo Group and Gruppo Sella. It was biult in 1884 and can be reached from Canazei (13km) and Selva Gardena (11km). It offers rooms, bar and restaurant. All rooms feature a bathroom and hairdryer. The mountain refuge is located in a sunny position flanked by the Marmolada, the Sella Group and the Sassolungo. The restaurant is led by the owners and offers a breakfast buffet, choice of menus with salad buffet and vegetables. Typical dinner once a week. WiFi for connection to the internet.
The hut is open from the middle of June until the end of September and from the middle of December to Easter. Opening hours: from 08.00 to midnight.

Preferred for

Information received before arrival, Welcome/check-in, Ambience
Based on 9 reviews

General information

at 2218m a.s.l., 3/4 board, 500m from the bus stop in summer


lift, open parking space, bar

In room/apt.

TV, hairdryer


Wi-Fi in room/apartment and common areas


restaurant open also for lunch, gluten and lactose-free cuisine, vegetarian cuisine available


not allowed

Payment methods

all credit cards, ATM


bicycle storage


skiroom with ski boot heater, slopes are easily reachable on foot (100m)

Availability and approximate prices

The availability and the prices are entered and updated by the accommodation they refer to. As these data are subject to continuous changes, the definitive availability and price must be agreed directly with each accommodation. The minimum and maximum prices can take into consideration only the most common services and conditions of the accommodation; in case of different solutions the prices may differ from the specified range. The indicated prices may not take into consideration several factors, therefore the final price and the details must be agreed directly with each lodging facility. The indicated prices may not include possible costs for final cleaning service or tourist taxes.Understood
Check availability and see prices

13×Double room

25 m2
With WC, hot water and shower.
from75€per person per night

2×Triple room

30 m2
With WC, hot water and shower.
from75€per person per night

3×Quadruple room

40 m2
With WC, hot water and shower.
from75€per person per night
Price summary
fromtoper person per night
26/07/202404/10/2024from 75€ to 95€



Mountain Hut-Hotel Carlo Valentini
Strada del Sella, 23
Passo Sella (Canazei)
Val di Fassa / Fassatal, Dolomites, Trentino

GPS coordinates

  • lat: 46.505939° N
  • lon: 11.757382° E
  • lat: 46° 30’ 21.4’’ N
  • lon: 11° 45’ 26.6’’ E
Information about the location: at 2218m a.s.l., 500m from the bus stop in summer, slopes are easily reachable on foot (100m)
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