Webcam from Mount Kaberlaba towards Asiago and Camporovere

The webcam is located at the Hotel La Baitina in Kaberlaba and frames the basin of the Plateau of the Seven Municipalities from above. On the right the town of Asiago with the Leiten shrine (ossuary of the First World War). In the center is the Kaberlaba ski and hiking area with 5.6km of slopes for skiing and snowboarding and numerous paths through the alpine pastures of the plateau, which can be covered on foot or by mountain bike. On the left the village of Camporovere from which the excursions to the Forte Interrotto depart. This webcam is perfect for discovering the weather and snow conditions on the Asiago Plateau, in Veneto / Venetien.

Webcam published by: Hotel La Baitina

Webcam location

Asiago Asiago Plateau - Seven Municipalities, Veneto Webcam’s altitude: 1150m a.s.l.

Picture archive

from 21 Oct 2022
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