Tourist boards Trento and surroundings

9 results

Tourist office Rovereto

RoveretoTrento, Rovereto and Val di Cembra, Trentino

Vallagarina is the door of Trentino, an alpine Region in the North of Italy, a welcome for people from the South and a goodbye for friends that come from the North to reach Lake Garda. Rovereto is represented by different ages...

Tourist board Piana Rotaliana Königsberg

MezzolombardoTrento, Rovereto and Val di Cembra, Trentino

The Piana Rotaliana Königsberg lies in the heart of Trentino and its gently rolling hills, the Plain and the rivers that run through it provide the ideal setting for gentle sports activities: cycling and mountain Biking, as well as walking and river fishing, to name just a few.

Tourist office Brentonico

BrentonicoTrento, Rovereto and Val di Cembra, Trentino

It is the first mountain you see when you enter in Trentino. Here you can trek and mountain bike in summer and ski on the pistes of Polse, San Valentino and San Giacomo in winter. The botanical garden of Palazzo Eccheli-Baisi has lovely flower varieties...

Tourist board Altopiano di Piné and Valle di Cembra

Baselga di PinéTrento, Rovereto and Val di Cembra, Trentino

At an altitude of around 900 metres, the Piné Plateau extends parallel to the Cembra Valley, with which it forms a particular environment. The distinctive sign of the Piné panorama is the presence of certain lakes, especially Serraia Lake and Piazze Lake.

Location: strutture 5 stelle e 4 superior

Criteria: strutture 5 stelle e 4 superior